pain relief

“when you are feeling out of control, control what you can, not what you can't.” - Dr. D

Treat Your Pain Naturally With Chiropractic

We cater our adjustments to your needs and comfort level and use many techniques including: Full Spine/Diversified (hands-on, manual adjusting), Thompson Technique (adjustments utilizing drops in the table), SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique), Activator Technique (gentle adjustments using a small instrument), Toggle Recoil Technique (Upper Cervical Technique focusing on the top two bones in the spine), and CBP (Chiropractic BioPhysics for structural correction of the spine).

  • Headaches & Migraines

    Tension headaches and migraines can be debilitating and reduce overall quality of life. Headaches and migraines can be reduced and/or eliminated through spinal manipulation and other chiropractic treatments that we provide at MFW.

  • Neck & Back Pain

    Chronic or acute neck and back pain, especially lower back pain, is one of the most common reasons people seek chiropractic care. Patients typically start finding relief after the very first adjustment.

  • TMJ

    Many people don’t know that chiropractic can be an effective treatment option for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders. TMJ issues often involve misalignment or tension in the jaw, which can lead to pain, headaches, and difficulty with chewing. Chiropractors can help address these issues by focusing gentle adjustments on the jaw and neck.

  • Sciatica

    Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can cause numbness, tingling, throbbing and pain radiating from the lower back down the leg. Chiropractors focus on spinal manipulation and other manual therapies to alleviate the pain and improve overall spinal function.

  • Poor Posture

    Chiropractic care can help correct poor posture, including the dreaded “tech/text neck” which can contribute to musculoskeletal pain, discomfort, and unwanted aesthetic changes.

    Structure = function and your spine is the window to your health.

  • Sports Injuries

    Chiropractors often treat athletes for injuries related to overuse or trauma, such as sprains, strains, tendonitis whiplash, muscle strain, or other trauma. Keeping your spine and extremities in good alignment improves athletic endurance and performance.