Feel confident in case of an emergency! More prepared = Less worry!
We understand that barriers to learning these life-saving skills are often time, cost and test anxiety. That is why this workshop is the perfect solution for you. Great for anyone who is interested in learning these life-saving skills and doesn’t require formal certification. Designed and held in a warm and relaxed format and taught by Brittany, a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and AHA (American Heart Association) CPR Instructor.
Each participant receives a free AHA CPR and Choking reference book, wallet card with quick review of infant/child choking, wallet card for CPR steps and a free CPR barrier mask keychain!
To register: Classes ~ The Mama Coach - Brittany Edwards
Enter coupon code BRITTMC15 for 15% off when registering for 2 or more people.
$5 off each ticket sale will be donated to Helping Mamas Inc (Atlanta Nonprofit)
Website: The Mama Coach - Brittany Edwards
Connect: Instagram